Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sarkaar Raj - Movie Review

A few days back I watched Sarkar Raaj. Went for it with very high expectations – the team of the bachchan trio and RGV seemed very promising (and then presence of aish in the movie was an added incentive ;D ).
The movie starts with shankar (Abhishek bachchan) getting into sarkar’s (amitabh) shoes quite comfortably and performing exceptionally. He is a person who can do anything for his dad and people of Maharashtra. Then a company headed by Anita’s (Aish) dad proposes a new power plant in Maharashtra. Anita comes to India and meets sarkaar. Shankar sees the establishment of power plant as the best thing that can happen to the people of Maharashtra and makes it his mission. It is then that the game of dirty politics starts and culminates in murdering of most of the people involved in this game.
The movie has some power packed performances from the the cast and the bachchan trio doesn’t lets you down as far as acting is concerned. Amitabh as usual, is at his best. Aish doesn’t have much dialogues but looks stunning, the corporate stlyed dressing does suit her. Abhishek also does justice with his acting. As the role demands, his is an all business – no nonsense attitude. But he remains in a foul mood most of the time and thats a bit too much(As far as I remember there is only one seen where he smiles). The dialogues specially b/w the bachchan father – son due are simply superb.
The movie is quite fast paced and doesn’t let you feel that any of the scenes is being stretched. In some way the movie also alludes to the current situation in Maharashtra. The inspiration from the thackrey clan is also conspicuous.
But still I came out of the hall thinking that movie could have been better. The politics in movie revolves too much around the new project to be set up. The second half sees everybody baring a few getting murdered. Also most of us tend to compare the movie to godfather thereby taking away a bit of sheen off the good effort by RGV.
Final verdict(my opinion): A movie worth watching for movie buffs and a must –watch for aish fans.
Rating 3/5

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