Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today I attended DRR training in the office. It was compulsory so had to go for it. Was a bit apprehensive about it initially but it turned out to be good. The trainer was quite a hilarious person. He was able to maintain to the interest of people in such a mundane topic through his wits. It was quite informative too (our brain weighs about 1.5 kg...well i didn't know that), also saw the correct procedure for CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) for the first time.
On a more serious note, we were shown a short movie called 'life of firefighter' which was really touching. "When a firefighter goes out for the day's job his wife is so proud that his husband goes to save lives of other people but deep inside she has fear that the fire fighting van may come back without her husband". Also we were told the dire circumstances under which the firefighters have to live in India. They have a meager insurance of Rs 50/- per month which is just too less. Recently there was a article in TOI that put the condition of these people in India in proper perspective and mentioned how fathers are averse to marrying their daughters to firefighters.There are stark contrasts in the level of safety awareness in people in India and the importance accorded to people like firefighters.
Unless govt. (and to some level to Indian ethos) comes out of its 'chalta hai' attitude, this issue along with plethora of other things, is bound to remain as such.

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